Taking Thriller Further: Michael Jackson’s Career as Mask & Screen

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New research by Andrew Broertjes, published in Popular Music and Society, draws on Kobena Mercer’s article “Monster Metaphor: Notes on Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’”, in which he describes Michael Jackson’s face as a mask on which society marks its own preoccupations. Broertjes takes this theory further, applying it to Jackson’s career as a whole.

Focusing on two high-profile, controversial African American leaders; civil rights campaigner Reverend Al Sharpton and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, Andrew Broertjes argues that sections of the black community used Jackson as a screen onto which various fears and anxieties could be projected.

Through his examination, Broertjes also reveals a particular insight into how Sharpton, Farrakhan, and elements of the black press viewed African-American history, seeing Jackson as one in a long line of persecuted black bodies.

The examination of Jackson’s relationship to the black community is an important subject, one that deserves detailed consideration when it comes to assessing his complex and multi-faceted legacy.


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