TBI - Glasgow Coma scores of 4-6 recover using unique method

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Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults around the world, and is involved in nearly half of all trauma deaths. Many years of productive life are lost and many people have to suffer years of disability after brain injury.  In addition it engenders great economic costs for individuals, families and society.

Without effective treatment, many TBI victims will lead lives of quiet desperation, isolation, and depression. The Lefaivre Rainbow Effect is ground-breaking treatment for those suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Christine Lefaivre's book and courses are the culmination of more than 25 years of successfully implementing this transformative treatment. What distinguishes her strategy from most others is that it is individually designed for each client and focuses on the cognitive retraining of the brain based on pre-injury lifestyle as well as the organic damage.

“I have worked with Chris using this model, and have seen clients who initially had Glasgow Coma scores of 4-6 recover, over a period of years, to the point where they could live independently, hold employment, and have normal relationships.”

                               Bill de Bosch Kemper, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Christine Lefaivre will launch her Traumatic Brain Injury Case Management online courses this April, and an examination series in conjunction with the University of British Columbia Continuing Studies, educating health care professionals and students, insurance personal, legal professionals, families and survivors on the process of recovery for the TBI survivor using the Rainbow Effect Method: http://rainboweffect.ca/

"The Lefaivre Rainbow Effect is the vital piece that has been missing in the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury… Her work is universal to all countries and healthcare systems... The Lefaivre Rainbow Effect brilliantly uncovers and develops strategies to manage the unique stress experience for each patient and makes insightful use of the brain’s enhanced capacity to grow while pursuing pre-injury interests and motivations... [works] to maximize recovery and reduce the loss while preserving the family unit… this text stand out among those in the rehabilitation field."

David I. Levy MD, Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, University of California, San Diego

Christine’s textbook is available now in print and ebook formats:

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: The Lefaivre Rainbow Effect
Christine Lefaivre


Published August 2014 by CRC Press
368 Pages - ISBN 9781482228243 - £25.99

Christine Lefaivre has spent more than 25 years perfecting and implementing a unique treatment strategy for the traumatically brain injured as they return to their homes and communities. Lefaivre’s clinical practice provided consulting services throughout most regions in Canada and parts of the United States and France to third-party funders, such as litigators, insurance companies, and workers compensation boards. Lefaivre hired many clinicians who were required to complete a comprehensive in-house training program lasting up to a year on the topic of the rainbow effect.

Lefaivre holds a degree in occupational therapy from the University of Alberta and is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus.

At the time of the writing of her book Lefaivre was instructing a tutorial in neuroanatomy and neurorehabilitation to second year master’s level students at UBC. Her alma mater recognized her achievements with the University of Alberta Alumni Honor Award for her ground-breaking work with the traumatically brain injured and she has twice been named British Columbia Female Entrepreneur of the Year in the “quality plus” category. Lefaivre has been a consultant, lecturer, keynote speaker, member of advisory committee, and workshop leader on brain injury related topics and courses, workshops, and conferences in Canada, the United States, and Europe.

For more information, and to arrange an interview with the author, please contact:

Matthew De Bono
Senior Marketing Manager (Medical)

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