The Greek Golden Dawn: a well-established party or hanging by a thread?

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In the 2014 European Parliament elections, the extreme far right Golden Dawn emerged as Greece’s third largest party. The party continues to rally support in local and regional as well as European elections despite a period of turmoil which has seen the leader and MPs jailed on charges of running a criminal organisation.

Is this sustainment of popularity a sign of a now well-established party, or is Golden Dawn temporarily grabbing on the coattails of the established parties’ illegitimation by the economic crisis?

Professor Antonis A. Ellinas seeks to elaborate on this question in his article "Neo-Nazism in an Established Democracy: The Persistence of Golden Dawn in Greece" for the journal South European Society and Politics. Mapping the Greek Dawn’s ‘ideological kinship’ with Neo-Nazism, the article addresses the destabilised economic and political environment in which the party has emerged and grown, and how this ‘us versus the rest’ mentality has mobilised a surprisingly diverse segment of the voting pool against the political establishment and vulnerable societies within Greece.

With general elections due on 25 January, the question of whether Golden Dawn can retain its position as the country’s third party becomes a key issue for the future of Greek democracy.

*Any views expressed in this Press Release are not those of the Taylor & Francis Group.

Read the full article online:

Neo-Nazism in an Established Democracy: The Persistence of Golden Dawn in Greece

Jordan Whitefoot, Marketing Coordinator

Area Studies Journals

Routledge Books, part of the Taylor and Francis Group (Informa)

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