Using mega events to brand tourist destinations: the case of the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix

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Is it important to use mega events such as sports and festivals to brand territories aiming to increase revenue and touristic appeal? Territorial and touristic branding: urban history and the festive and economic perspectives of Montreal's Formula One Grand Prix, published in Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure further investigates this using the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix as an example of how important territorial branding is.

This article researches the history of the Grand Prix, how it was used in an urban and touristic perspective, how it was absent in 2009, and why it returned in 2010.

The case study includes previous case studies, research and interviews with previous promoters, sports journalists and local stakeholders to demonstrate city branding, imagery and territorial marketing which concludes the importance of these factors to help to sell the city and its assets.

Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, new to Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. These dimensions include family, the environment, communication, culture, governance, economy and public service. The journal has an open approach to the concept of leisure and its constant evolution. Visit the journal homepage for more information:


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