Who cares about morality? Why can’t we just do what we want?

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‘The study of morality is the most exciting game in town, and when people ask me why I think so, I always refer them to Tamler Sommers’s extraordinary book, A Very Bad Wizard!’ – Edouard Machery, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Does morality matter? How do we as individuals and societies form and develop our morality? Is there such a thing as moral obligation?

Tamler Sommers’s book A Very Bad Wizard: Morality Behind the Curtain talked with leading researchers from the fields of social psychology, moral philosophy, cognitive science, and primatology, to pull back the curtain on our moral lives and on the way morality has traditionally been studied.

Now in its second edition, and with an additional eight interviews, Tamler Sommers’s digs deeper into the difficult issues of morality. With interviews that covers issues as wide ranging as human and ape morality; our obligations to those in poverty; criminal responsibility; the evolution of norms across culture; and honor, revenge, and punishment, ‘A Very Bad Wizard’ introduces and illuminates the complicated world of morality.

Visit the book’s website here: https://www.routledge.com/9780415858793

978-0-415-85879-3 | £21.99/$33.95 in paperback | May 2016

The author is available for interviews and media features – contact Laura Maisey for a review copy (details below)

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For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Laura Maisey, Associate Marketing Manager, Routledge Philosophy
Tel: +44 (0)207 701 76245 | Email: laura.maisey@tandf.co.uk

NOTE TO EDITORS For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Laura Maisey, Associate Marketing Manager, Routledge Philosophy Tel: +44 (0)207 701 76245 | Email: laura.maisey@tandf.co.uk

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