Why Not Capitalism? Ask Mickey Mouse

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Routledge calls on Mickey Mouse to vindicate the moral goodness of capitalism in an engaging and provocative new title.

The match between capitalism and socialism is now on. And it takes an unexpected turn as Mickey Mouse joins the game to defend the intrinsic moral goodness of capitalism in Jason F. Brennan’s Why Not Capitalism? (Routledge, 12th June 2014).

In a book that rattles the cage of political philosophy, Brennan rebuts the idea that capitalism is a compromise with selfish human nature, and argues it would remain the best system even if we were morally perfect. He goes head-to-head with G. A. (‘Jerry’) Cohen, the leading Marxist philosopher, and with formidable rhetorical verve exposes the fallacies in Cohen’s work. Using an old trick in the philosopher’s book, Brennan borrows examples from the cartoon world – The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a GCI-animated cartoon on the Disney Jr. Channel – to parody Cohen’s theses and uncover their logical fallacies. With a magisterial move, he takes
capitalism outside the boundaries of The Clubhouse village to embrace society as a whole and shows why, in both an ideal and real world, capitalism is more intrinsically desirable than socialism.

Written as a rejoinder to Cohen’s Why Not Socialism? (2009), Jason Brennan’s book encourages readers of all political persuasions to re-evaluate where they stand vis-à-vis economic priorities and systems – as they exist now and as they might be improved in the future.

"Are you interested in capitalism as a path to your personal utopia? This stirring moral defense of a free society is the place to start." Tyler Cowen, George Mason University, US

978-0-415-73297-0| £17.99/$24.95 in paperback | June 2014

View inside the book at: http://goo.gl/9xceJ0

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For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Harriet Connor, Publicity Assistant, Routledge Humanities I Phone: +44 (0) 207 551 9921 | Email: harriet.connor@tandf.co.uk

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