Woodbridge’s rugby and football teams pull together for charity

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Representatives of the Woodbridge Woodpeckers Football team gave up a Saturday supporting their team in a generous and good-humoured tug-of-war with Woodbridge Rugby Club at Saturdays Dick Waterson Charity Challenge. A noisy rugby crowd was treated to this inter-sport competition as half time entertainment during the Challenge rugby match.

The Woodpeckers were no easy push over either – forcing the rugby club to the best of three after levelling at one ‘pull’ apiece. The rugby players prevailed however and won the first of what may become a regular annual competition between these two popular local sports clubs.

Rob Simpson, Chairman of Woodbridge Rugby Club, commented “it was really generous of Woodbridge Football Club to support our Charity Day and provide such serious opposition for two great charities and the entertainment of rugby fans. We hope that this may be the first of many mutually supportive co-operations between us”.

Club members, supporters and the public joined in this family Fun Day, raising over £3,000 in support of Help for Heroes and Cancer Research. Those that couldn’t make it can still give generously at www.justgiving.com/teams/rugby-vets.


Media contacts

For further information please WRUFC contacts; Simon Ballard on 07766 136554,pressofficer@woodbridgerugby.net
Woodbridge Rugby Union Football Club, Hatchley Barn, Orford Road, Bromeswell, Suffolk, IP12 2PP.




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