
We have seen an emerging trend with entrepreneurs and start-ups wanting to learn more about how they can maximise the impact of their digital marketing efforts and bring greater returns for their business. We hope to meet this demand with a flexible, fully-funded hybrid masterclass that has been developed specifically for entrepreneurs in mind, so they can access the marketing support they need to help them accelerate their journey to success.
Bella Copland, Director of Programmes at HOST
Many digital technology businesses in the North West have experienced challenges during the pandemic, so we know how imperative it is for them to access the funding support they need to fuel their growth. We aim to nurture companies on their business journey, and we hope that this unprecedented opportunity with Fund Your Tech will support those businesses who need it the most, while also helping to accelerate the region’s recovery.
Mo Isap, CEO of IN4 Group, operator of HOST
We’re excited to be collaborating with the thriving technology ecosystem in Greater Manchester, connecting diverse entrepreneurs and creative technologists with the mission of GCHQ to bring fresh perspectives to our challenges.
Kate, GCHQ, Head of Research and Engineering in Manchester
As a dedicated innovation partner of GCHQ, we are privileged to continue to support founders with this specialist programme, ensuring innovation is inclusive and accessible for businesses and individuals across the region and the UK. The Co-Lab offers emerging technology businesses access to technologists and innovators from GCHQ as well as valuable innovation and business growth support from the HOST community and its industry partners.
Mo Isap, CEO of IN4.0 Group, operator of HOST