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Luxembourg, 7 May 2010 – Transcom WorldWide S.A., the global outsourced services provider, today announced that, ahead of the Annual General Meeting on 26 May 2010, the Nomination Committee proposes to re-elect Mr. Henning Boysen, Ms. Mia Brunell Livfors, Ms. Torun Litzén, Mr. Roel Louwhoff, and Mr. William Walker as Directors of Transcom, and to re-elect Mr. William Walker as Chairman of the Board. The Nomination Committee also proposes to elect Mr. Charles Burdick and Mr. Robert Lerwill as new Directors of the Company. Mr. James Beers and Ms. Sandra Frimann-Clausen have informed the Nomination Committee of their wish not to seek re-election at the Annual General Meeting on 26 May 2010.

Mr. Charles Burdick currently serves as a non-Executive Director and Chairman of Comverse Technology, Inc., a world leader in multimedia telecommunications applications. Mr. Burdick also joined the Board of Directors of CTC Media in 2006, where he currently serves as a non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Compensation Committee and Member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Burdick has an extensive background in telecommunications and media, with over 25 years experience in the industry. Until July 2005, he was Chief Executive Officer of HIT Entertainment PLC, a publicly listed provider of pre-school children’s entertainment. From 1996 to 2004, he worked for Telewest Communications, the second-largest cable television company in the United Kingdom, serving as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Burdick has also held a series of financial positions with Time Warner, US West and Media One, specialising in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and international treasury. Mr. Robert Lerwill has been a non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of British American Tobacco plc since 2005 and is also a non-Executive Director of Synergy Health plc. Mr. Lerwill served as Chief Executive Officer of Aegis Group plc, the media communications and market research group, between 2005 and 2008. Until 2003, Mr. Robert Lerwill was an Executive Director of Cable & Wireless PLC, one of the world's leading telecommunication companies, where he served as Finance Director between 1997 and 2002 and Chief Executive of Cable & Wireless Regional between 2000 and 2003. In both companies, he was instrumental in developing and managing major international businesses. From 1986 to 1996, he was Group Finance Director of WPP Group plc. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee of Transcom, Ms. Cristina Stenbeck, commented: “It is a pleasure to nominate Mr. Charles Burdick and Mr. Robert Lerwill as Directors of Transcom. Mr. Burdick has broad experience in Transcom’s largest client segments and Mr. Lerwill’s experience in similar sectors will contribute strongly to the Board’s knowledge base. Both have long and distinguished track-records of managing international businesses and will thus add significant value to the Board’s role in helping to shape Transcom’s strategic development. I would like to thank Mr. Jim Beers and Ms. Sandra Frimann-Clausen for their valuable contribution to the Transcom board in a period of rapid change and strategic redirection of the Company.” The Nomination Committee’s complete proposal to the Annual Meeting is published in today’s notice to the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee is comprised of Ms. Cristina Stenbeck on behalf of Investment AB Kinnevik, Ms. Kerstin Stenberg on behalf of Swedbank Robur Funds and Mr. Nils Petter Hollekim on behalf of Odin Funds. Information about the work of the Nomination Committee can be found on Transcom’s corporate website at: # # #


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