About Us

Udo's Choice is dedicated to providing products that support individuals and families to be healthy. Dr Udo Erasmus who introduced the world to cold pressed nutritional oils made with health in mind rather than shelf life such as Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend has developed a range of products that include: ~ Probiotics for different age groups in the family~ Digestive enzymes to help nutrient absorption~ Beyond Greens to provide green foods, fibre, essential fats and protein Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is a blend of organic seed oils that provide the essential Fatty Acids Omega 3 and 6 that the body needs. they are termed essential as our body's cannot make them, they have to be included in our diets. However, due to convenience foods, processed foods and frying we do not get the quantity of undamaged Omega 3 and 6 we need to maintain health. Every cell in our body needs these Essential Fats and without them our cells cannot work at their best and we can be more prone to illness and fatigue.


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