“Veterans Stand Down” to help Homeless Los Angeles Veterans
U.S.VETS Hosts 8th Annual Event to Provide Critical Services to Homeless Veterans
COMPTON, CA (September 9, 2011) – United States Veterans Initiative (U.S.VETS) is proud to announce the 2011 Veterans Stand Down to be held August 24-26 at 4116 East Compton Blvd. The event is free and open to all military veterans.
The “Veterans Stand Down” is a grassroots, community-based intervention program designed to help the nation’s estimated 107,000 homeless veterans combat life on the streets. The term “Stand Down” originates in American battle language to refer to the removal of exhausted combat units requiring time to rest and recover from the battlefields to a place of relative security and safety.
U.S. VETS is the nonprofit sponsor of this event, which is held in cities all over the nation to provide food, clothing, services and most of all, long-term solutions to homeless and at-risk veterans.
“Los Angeles has the largest number of homeless vets in the country,” said U.S.VETS-Inglewood Site Director Ivan Mason. “There is still a huge population of veterans in need in our community. We need to reach out to them.”
In its eighth year, the 2011 Stand Down in Compton will bring the community into the solution, incorporating the help of other service providers, community organizations, and veterans groups. The primary goal of any Stand Down event is to give hope to veterans still living on the streets of Los Angeles, offer them a temporary respite, and provide information and services that can help end their struggles on the streets.
U.S.VETS anticipates that some 500 veterans will attend this year’s Stand Down event to access resources including medical and mental health services, dental and vision care, employment and housing assistance, substance abuse counseling, legal assistance, free clothing, showers, haircuts, food, and more.
“An event of this size and scope requires the contributions of many community partners, volunteers and donors,” said Mason.
Anyone interested in volunteering or donating goods or services for the Stand down should send an email to StandDownHelp@gmail.com.
Media Contact:
Chelsea Cody, Communication Coordinator
Office: (213) 542-2601
Mobile: (323) 246-0394
800 W. Sixth St., Suite 1505
Los Angeles, CA 90017
About U.S.VETS:
The mission of United States Veterans Initiative (U.S.VETS) is the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development and comprehensive support. Founded in 1992, U.S.VETS is the largest nonprofit organization of its kind in the United States, providing an array of support services to at-risk veterans. U.S.VETS operates programs at 11 sites in five states and the District of Columbia, serving more than 2,000 veterans every day. www.usvetsinc.org