
Our goal was to bring a strong industry leader who has built and scaled companies in the past in our industry. With his experience from AWS, Steve is a great addition to our team as we develop UpCloud more towards working with serious online businesses, companies who need a reliable and high-performance partner for their cloud infrastructure workloads.
UpCloud's CEO Antti Vilpponen
Small and medium-sized companies are often left behind by big cloud providers. UpCloud can compete with the big players on price and agility and yet remains fundamentally true to its users, helps them succeed globally and most importantly, will never compete with them.
UpCloud's Board Chair, Steve Midgley
UpCloud already has a strong position among the SMB customer base, especially in Europe. So we need to build on this success and future proof ourselves in the digital world. More specifically, I would like to see UpCloud broadening their offer of additional higher-value services, such as Databases/Data Lake as a Service or analytics.
UpCloud's new Board Chair, Steve Midgley
Not all companies are able or want to use the biggest cloud providers. Either they might be too complex, confusing or they require a high level of technical skills. The transformation to the cloud has just begun, and right now, only 2% of IT workloads worldwide are in the cloud. I see a strong need for UpCloud's kind of vendor in the cloud market.
Erik Rehn, Head of Sales at UpCloud
I'm thrilled to welcome Erik to the team! His logical approach to sales at scale, from the same industry and also on an international level will be a great addition to us at UpCloud.
Antti Vilpponen, UpCloud's CEO
Managed Databases will be very beneficial to our users, who can now spend all the time and effort on their core business and developing new services. And based on the market trends, research work and customer interviews we continuously do, it is obvious that managed services will be the key to our growth as well.
Ilkka Sarpila, Product Owner - Services at UpCloud
We’ve had a large base of users from Australia and New Zealand using our Singapore data centre for a long time. Many of them asked us to expand our service offering to Australia. We also believe that Australian users will value a new cloud provider offering a more premium level of features, such as 100% uptime SLA, 24/7 technical support and personal approach.
Antti Vilpponen, UpCloud’s CEO
Geographical proximity to a data centre results in better latency. Therefore location in Sydney will improve service provided to businesses with users in Australia and Oceania.
UpCloud’s founder and CTO Joel Pihlajamaa
We wanted to open an availability zone specifically in Warsaw, since we have seen so many incredible companies coming from there. We want to support them even more by bringing the new data centre closer.
Joel Pihlajamaa, UpCloud's founder and CTO
Object Storage provides a delivery platform for static content separate from Cloud Servers, as well as a place to store archival data such as backups. This enables our customers to focus on building their applications instead of maintaining servers.
Juha-Pekka Järvenpää - Head of Product, UpCloud
Opening of the Madrid data centre is the first step in our further expansion to our Spanish-speaking users in Europe and Latin America.
Joel Pihlajamaa, UpCloud’s founder and CTO
We have been deploying EPYC hardware also to our other data centres to run alongside the existing Intel Xeon hosts. But by deploying in US-NYC1, our users will make sure that they are running on the EPYC processors.
Joel Pihlajamaa, founder and CTO
We understand there may be businesses looking to optimise their workloads with a more suitable cloud provider during these challenging times. We want to offer a helping hand for those looking to migrate to UpCloud, be it for better performance, reliability or our friendly pricing.
Antti Vilpponen, CEO