Status on patent disputes with Enercon GmbH, Mr Aloys Wobben

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Company announcement from                                                       
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Randers, 14 November 2007
Company announcement No. 38/2007                                               

Status on patent disputes with Enercon GmbH, Mr Aloys Wobben 

In previous company announcements1 Company announcements Nos. 27/2005 of 19     
August 2005, 30/2005 of 16 September 2005, 39/2005 of 22 November 2005, 22/2006 
of 5 April 2006, 12/2007 of 2 April 2007, 15/2007 of 12 April 2007, 23/2007 of  
25 May 2007 and 25/2007 of 4 June 2007, Vestas Wind Systems A/S has informed of 
various patent disputes with Enercon GmbH/Mr Aloys Wobben. Mr Aloys Wobben      
claims that Vestas Wind Systems A/S infringes various patents; primarily in the 
area of grid connection, but also in other technical areas.                     

As mentioned in previous company announcements, all cases regarding other       
technical areas have been decided in favour of Vestas.                          

In the area of grid connection, as previously announced Mr Aloys Wobben has     
initiated court proceedings in England and Scotland, the Netherlands, Canada and

England and Scotland                                                            

In the case regarding England and Scotland, judgment was handed down by the     
British High Court on 14 November 2007 acquitting Vestas completely.            

The case concerned the following patents owned by Mr Aloys Wobben:              
Frequency control (EP(UK)1 282 774)                                             
Phase angle control (EP(UK) 1 386 078)                                          
Voltage control I (EP(UK) 1 040 564)                                            
Voltage control II (EP(UK) 1 164 691)                                           

With the exception of two patent claims in the phase angle control patent that  
are irrelevant to Vestas, the High Court ruled all four patents invalid.        
Furthermore, the Court established that even if these patents had been valid,   
the technology used by Vestas does not infringe the patents.                    

It has still not been clarified whether the judgment will be appealed.          

Vestas' management is very satisfied with the decision, which is the first      
judgment that considers all the disputed grid connections related patents. The  
management considers the judgment to be of great importance since it has been   
handed down by a specialised patent court on the basis of an in-depth           

The Netherlands, Canada, Ireland and Germany                                    

The remaining cases in the Netherlands, Canada and Ireland regarding grid       
connections will continue. There is nothing to report in addition to previous   
announcements regarding these cases.                                            

In the case concerning the validity of the German frequency control patent, the 
German High Court has finally dismissed Mr Aloys Wobben's appeal, thus the      
patent remains invalid.                                                         

Any questions may be addressed to Ditlev Engel, President and CEO of Vestas Wind
Systems A/S, or to Peter Wenzel Kruse, Vice President of Group Communications at
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.                               

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Ditlev Engel                                                                    
President and CEO


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