Vestas at World Economic Forum to promote Modern Energy

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Press release from                                                              
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         
Randers, 22 January 2008                                                       
Press release No. 1/2008                                                       

Vestas at World Economic Forum to promote Modern Energy                         

When decision-makers throughout the world meet to discuss the environment,      
energy security and future energy sources, Vestas will be present to put focus  
on the political and financial benefits of wind energy.                         

On 23-25 January 2008, Vestas will be present at the World Economic Forum's     
Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland to influence the debate on the world's     
future energy choices. Ditlev Engel, President and CEO of Vestas Wind Systems   
A/S, and Peter Brun, Senior Vice President of Vestas' Group Government          
Relations, will represent Vestas at the Energy Summit & Energy Board Room       
Programme to be held during the summit.                                         

The Energy Summit & Energy Board Room Programme consists of exclusive private   
meetings of top executives from leading energy companies and decision-makers    
from the most important energy consuming and producing countries, who will shape
the global energy agenda. Energy security, sustainability and energy innovation 
are some of the key topics that will be discussed during the meetings.          

“Vestas needs to get across to the decision-makers in the world that wind power 
is a mature and clean energy source,” says Peter Brun. He emphasises: “Vestas   
has today a very compelling energy solution which can help tackle the world's   
energy and climate challenges. Wind energy is today the most cost competitive   
offering technology that can help Governments reduce their energy dependency on 
fossil fuels and energy imports while reducing their C02 emissions.”            

“Another important topic of the summit in Davos will be the global supplies of  
clean drinking water. Contrary to many other forms of energy, wind turbines do  
not consume any water when generating electricity. Wind power is thus by far the
cleanest energy technology,” concludes Peter Brun.                              

Any questions regarding Vestas' presence at the World Economic Forum in Davos   
can be addressed to Peter Brun, Senior Vice President of Vestas' Group          
Government Relations on telephone +45 4160 6102.                                

On Thursday, 24 January, Peter Brun will be available for interviews between    
12.30-5.00 p.m. at the Davos Congress Centre.                                   

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Peter Brun                                                                      
Senior Vice President, Group Government Relations                               

Vestas No.1 in Modern Energy                                                    

- Wind, the fuel of wind power, is free. 
- Wind power is competitive. In a scenario where a carbon penalty of 30 €/ton
is applied directly to the emission of CO2 from fossil fuel power generation, 
land-based wind power becomes the energy cost leader.                           
- Wind power facilitates fast ramp-up of extensive production capacity - a big 
advantage in countries whose economies are developing rapidly.                  
- Wind power is an inexhaustible source of energy. The global wind resource is 
enormous and capable of generating more electricity than the total world demand.
Over 80 per cent of the earth's surface has wind speeds suitable for electricity
- Wind power is clean. The energy needed to build a modern wind turbine and 
operate it and maintain it through its 20-year design life is recouped within   
seven to nine months, after which CO2 emissions are effectively zero.           
- Wind turbines do not use even a drop of water when generating electricity. On 
the contrary, nuclear power and conventional energy production (oil, coal and   
natural gas) use vast amounts of clean drinking water during energy generation. 

This is why Vestas calls wind power Modern Energy.                              

With a 28 per cent market share in 2006, Vestas is the world leader in          
delivering Modern Energy. By June 2007, Vestas has already installed more than  
33,500 wind turbines in over 60 countries on 5 continents. That is a new turbine
installed every 5 hours worldwide. In fact, Vestas turbines generate more than  
50 million MWh a year, or enough power to supply millions of households. During 
the last 25 years, Vestas has improved the output of its turbines by a factor of
100 and is continuously improving turbine effectiveness.                        

This is why Vestas is No.1 in Modern Energy.


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