TransAtlantic receives delivery of the AHTS vessel Njord Viking

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TransAtlantic has received delivery of the Njord Viking AHTS vessel from the Astilleros Zamakona S.A shipyard in Spain. The Njord Viking is the second new-build in a series of four, which are being built at the Spanish shipyard. The vessel series is specifically designed to meet demands for efficient, safe and environmentally friendly offshore management in areas with severe ice conditions.  

Njord Viking has the following technical data: AHTS, bollard pull 230 ton, ice class 1A, deicing, stand by vessel, oilrec, clean design, deck area 750 m2. Length 85 m, beam 22 m, 4,500 deadweight tons and complies with the most up-to-date regulations pertaining to oil clearing.

Njord Viking has been contracted by the Norwegian oil company, ENI, to support exploration and expansion of the operations in the Barents Sea, including the Goliat Field, which lies 52 nautical miles north of the coast of Norway. The assignment is scheduled to commence during the summer 2011 and the total contract value amounts to NOK 430 M.

For further information, please contact President and CEO Stefan Eliasson, Phone: +46 (0)304 – 67 47 00

Rederi AB TransAtlantic is a leading Swedish shipping company. The operation is divided into two business areas; Offshore/Icebreaking and Industrial Shipping. The vessel fleet comprises 38 vessels and two anchor-handling vessels on order, with scheduled delivery in 2011, as well as vessels chartered for shorter periods. The company has approximately 750 employees. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap segment.


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