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  • The Nomination Committee’s proposals to Volati’s 2018 Annual General Meeting encompassing a new Chairman of the Board

The Nomination Committee’s proposals to Volati’s 2018 Annual General Meeting encompassing a new Chairman of the Board

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The Nomination Committee of Volati AB (publ) (“Volati”) has today submitted its proposals to Volati’s Annual General Meeting to be held on 16 May 2018. The Committee proposes Patrik Wahlén for election as Chairman of the Board and the election of Anna-Karin Celsing and Magnus Sundström as new Board members. Karl Perlhagen, Björn Garat, Christina Tillman and Louise Nicolin are proposed for re-election as Board members. Furthermore, the Committee also proposes that Ernst & Young Aktiebolag is elected as the company’s new auditor.

The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Patrik Wahlén as Chairman of the Board and the re-election of Karl Perlhagen, Björn Garat, Christina Tillman and Louise Nicolin as Board members. The Committee also proposes the election Anna-Karin Celsing and Magnus Sundström as new Board members.

Since Volati’s founding in 2003, Karl Perlhagen has led the company as its Chairman through a period of strong growth. Following the acquisition of Tornum in 2004, Volati has grown into a Group of companies with annual sales of slightly more than SEK 5.6 billion and around 1,900 employees.

“Since the start in 2003, Patrik Wahlén and I have worked together to build Volati. It has been a privilege to be Chairman and to work together with the company and the employees to develop Volati. As a Board member, I will continue to support the team on their continued journey. With Patrik Wahlén as Chairman, Volati will continue to focus on long-term value creation and on continuously developing Volati moving forward. Our roles may have changed, but we will continue to work together to build Volati,” says Karl Perlhagen.

Patrik Wahlén is one of Volati’s founders and has had an active role in the company since its start in 2003, including acting as CEO for Volati from 2006–2014 and as a Board member from 2006–2018.

Anna-Karin Celsing and Magnus Sundström are proposed as new Board members.

Anna-Karin Celsing, born 1962, is Chairman of the Board of SVT and a Board member of the Royal Swedish Opera, Lannebo Fonder, Landshypotek Bank and OX2 Vind. She has previously held Board positions at Finansinspektionen and SevenDay Finans. Until 2007, she was Head of Corporate Communications at Ratos and prior to that Head of Investor Relations at Föreningssparbanken (now known as Swedbank). Anna-Karin Celsing was on the Board of Volati from May 2015 to September 2016. Anna-Karin Celsing has an MSc in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden. She owns 700 preference shares in Volati directly and through associated companies, and is independent in relation to the company, its management and its major shareholders.

Magnus Sundström, born 1954, is the CEO and owner of AB 1909 Gruppen and Chairman of 50% owned B2B IT-Partner AB. Previous assignments include positions as a Board member and later Chairman of Tricorona AB during 2009 and 2010. Magnus Sundström has an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University. He owns 228,669 common shares and 44,940 preference shares in Volati directly and through associated companies. Magnus Sundström is independent in relation to the company, its management and its major shareholders.

Corresponding information for the Board members proposed for re-election is available from Volati’s website, www.volati.se.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the fees to the respective Board members remain unchanged, meaning that the proposed fees, for the time until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), are SEK 400,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 200,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the AGM and who are not employees of the company.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Board’s recommendation, the Committee also proposes that Ernst & Young Aktiebolag is elected as the company’s new auditor for the period until the end of the 2019 AGM.


The Nomination Committee comprises Carin Wahlén (Chairman representing Patrik Wahlén), Carl Gustafsson (representing Didner & Gerge Fonder) and Karl Perlhagen (Chairman of the Board of Volati). The Committee’s complete proposals, including further explanations and information on the proposed Board members, will be available on Volati’s website, www.volati.se.

Volati AB’s 2018 AGM will be held at 3:30 p.m. on 16 May 2018 at Nalen, Stacken entrance, David Bagares Gata 17, Stockholm. The premises will open its doors at 3:00 p.m.

Volati AB (publ)

Engelbrektsplan 1, 114 34 Stockholm

Tel: 08-21 68 40, E mail: info@volati.se, Org nr 556555-4317

About Volati

Volati is a Swedish industrial group formed in 2003, which following the acquisition of Akademibokhandeln, comprises some 50 operating companies divided into 14 business units organised in four business areas: Trading, Consumer, Akademibokhandeln and Industry. Volati acquires mainly companies with proven business models, leading market positions and strong cash flows at reasonable valuations, and develops these with an emphasis on long-term value creation. Volati’s strategy is to build on the identity and entrepreneurial spirit of the companies, adding leadership, expertise, processes and financial resources. Volati has operations in 16 countries, with a total of about 1,900 employees and annual sales of approximately SEK 5.6 billion. Volati’s common share and preference share are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Further information is available at www.volati.se

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