Wallenstam’s Pep Park in place in Råcksta
Today the ribbon was cut for Wallenstam’s Pep Park in Råcksta, Stockholm. The Pep Park is a concept created by the non-profit organization Generation Pep for how park environments can be built and developed to both include and inspire visitors to the joy of movement. A kind of hybrid between playground and outdoor gym for all ages where movement, play and knowledge are in focus.
The Pep Park in Råcksta will be about 350 square meters in size, and will be constructed with six different zones, consisting of varying challenges in order to encourage better coordination, strength, balance and fitness. It will include everything from agility obstacles, to a multifunctional climbing frame and climbing drumline and the opportunity for timing in order to entice visitors towards a pleasurable way of moving, playing and socializing.
“It is really great that Wallenstam has chosen to build a Pep Park. We know that the whole of society must gather its strength in order to create better conditions for children and young people to be active, and part of this is to create more attractive and accessible areas that enable active leisure time and this is where a Pep Park can play an important role,” says Carolina Klüft Operations Manager at Generation Pep.
“We are working in several different ways to contribute to youth activities, movement and a positive development of society. This is one of several reasons why we agree with Generation Pep’s vision and have chosen to build the Pep Park in Råcksta. We hope that this initiative will contribute to even more wellbeing and activity in the area where we currently manage just over 1,000 apartments,” says Mathias Aronsson, Regional Director Stockholm and Vice CEO of Wallenstam.
Ahead of the construction of the Pep Park, Wallenstam has held a dialogue with both Råcksta Tenants’ Association and the Municipality. The hope is that the Pep Park will encourage more spontaneous activity and at the same time contribute to a meeting place and an activity square that can be used by everyone in the neighborhood.
According to Generation Pep’s latest survey, the ‘Pep Report 2020’, only 2 out of every 10 Swedish children and young people achieve the recommended amount of daily physical activity. This is one of several reasons why Wallenstam agrees with Generation Pep’s vision. The Swedish Crown Princess Couple are the initiators of Generation Pep, which has been in existence since 2016. Along with Karolinska Institute, the Public Health Agency of Sweden and a number of other companies, organizations and public authorities, Generation Pep is working to ensure that all children and young people should have the opportunity and desire to live an active and healthy life.
For further information, please contact:
Elisabeth Vansvik, Communications Director Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. 46 31 20 00 00 or 46 705 17 11 38
Wallenstam is a property company that manages, builds and develops properties for sustainable living and enterprise in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala. The property holding is valued at around SEK 59 billion and the customer base consists of around 11,000 households and 1,000 enterprises. The total lettable area is around 1 million sq m. Wallenstam is self-sufficient in renewable energy through its own wind turbines in operation. The company’s B shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.