Wallenstam wins award for best IR website
Wallenstam has received an award for the best IR website among listed companies in Sweden. High points earned in the Best Interim Report and Best Annual Report categories also meant an overall position of second place for Wallenstam in the “Listed Company of the Year” competition.
The motivation for the award of best IR Website 2017 reads as follows:
“Wallenstam’s IR website leaves very little to be desired from an investor’s perspective and acts as an excellent complement to the financial statements. It is full of relevant information and first-class video presentations. The information is also presented in a visually attractive and well-structured way where the high level of production value and content demonstrate the pride in the company and the website.”
“It feels really nice to have once again received an award for our financial information to the market, this time for our IR website. This inspires all of us in the company who work with these issues to improve the communication even further,” says Elisabeth Vansvik, Communications Director.
The competition was started in 1980 by the Swedish Shareholders’ Association and has been organized by Kanton since 2007. The competition is open for participation to all companies from Nasdaq Stockholm’s segments, NGM Equity Stockholm, First North and First North Premier. It aims to raise the level of ambition among companies and create best practice in financial and non-financial information and a more uniform design of companies’ annual reports, interim reports and IR websites.
For further information:
Elisabeth Vansvik, Communications Director Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. 46 31 20 00 00 or 46 705 17 11 38
Wallenstam is a property company that manages, builds and develops properties for sustainable living and enterprise in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala. The property holding is valued at around SEK 43 billion and the customer base consists of around 9,000 households and 1,000 enterprises. The total lettable area is around 1 million sq m. Wallenstam is self-sufficient in renewable energy through the company Svensk NaturEnergi. The company’s B shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.