Holiday Workshop Weekend at Wave Hill Dec 7, 8 2013
Bronx, NY, November 25, 2013― Amidst the flurry of the holiday season, come to Wave Hill to relax and create your own gifts and decorations at our holiday workshop weekend. Craft a one-of-a-kind, verdant wreath or custom holiday centerpiece using natural materials, pine cones and fresh greens harvested from Wave Hill’s stunning gardens. Both workshops are lead by Assistant Director of Public Programs Laurel Rimmer and Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day. Hand-stitch a felt box with a lid to hold your holiday trinkets and treasures, with artist Maria Hupfield. At the Family Art Project, create surprise, pop-up holiday cards that bring your cold-weather tales to life—perfect for any gift. Whether as gifts for your loved ones or treats for yourself, these special creations are sure to spread the holiday cheer! Workshops are held on both Saturday and Sunday.
What: Holiday Workshop Weekend
Date: Sat, Sun, December 7, 8
Time: Sat, Sun, 10am−1pm Family Art Project: Season’s Greetings
Sat, Sun, 11am−3pm Holiday Workshops: Miniature Arrangements, Natural Wreaths and Swags, Felt Treasure Box
Fee: Miniature Arrangements: $30/$20 Wave Hill Member
Natural Wreaths and Swags: $30/$20 Wave Hill Member
Cool Wool Felting Workshop: $20/$10 Wave Hill Member
Fees are per project and include admission to the grounds.
Registration: Registration suggested but not required, online at or onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center. First come, first served.