Spring Nature & Garden Programs
This spring, head outdoors and stretch your legs with a lively new season of guided garden walks and nature programs! All programs are free with admission to the grounds.
Join a Twain’s Trees Walk with Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day and admire some of our venerable, arboreal survivors from when Mark Twain lived at Wave Hill. Hear about the people who once called Wave Hill home on Wave Hill History Walks. Join Assistant Director of Horticulture Brian McGowan to learn about the Great Trees of Wave Hill: A View from the Top. Looking for ideas for what to plant in your yard? Try the walk Best Trees for the Small Garden.
This spring’s nature programs are geared toward the whole family! Hunt for early blooming flowers, creepy crawly critters and other garden creatures as they “spring” into life as naturalist and educator Gabriel Willow takes us on a Signs of Spring Family Walk. Join Hudson Highlands Nature Museum Environmental educator Carl Heitmuller for a presentation introducing Wave Hill’s squirrels—a favorite of former illustrious resident Mark Twain. Then head outdoors for an adventure to look for squirrel activity on the grounds.
Garden Highlights Walks, Sundays at 2PM; Beginning in April, Tuesdays at11AM and on Memorial Day, May 26, at 2PM
Twain’s Trees Walk, SAT, April 5, 2PM
Signs of Spring Family Walk, SAT, April 12, 1PM & 2PM Ages six and older welcome with an adult
Wave Hill History Walk, SAT, April 19, 11AM
Great Trees of Wave Hill: A View from the Top, FRI, April 25, 1PM Arbor Weekend event
Best Trees for the Small Garden Walk, SAT, SUN April 26, 27, 2PM Arbor Weekend event
Wave Hill History Walk, SAT, May 17, 11AM
Twain’s Furry Friends: The Squirrels of Wave Hill, SUN, May 18, 2-3PM Ages six and older welcome with an adult
Check www.wavehill.org, or 718.549.3200 x251 for registration information and a full description of each event.