

Waves4Power has a very strong vision – to generate a better future by providing the world with green energy solutions based on wave power. We aim to reach our vision by taking a leading position in replacing fossil fuel-based energy with CO2 free green energy from ocean waves. Our technology is well proven and tested. The only thing now is to do it.
Jonas Kamf, CEO Waves4Power
His Majesty was both interested and updated. He asked a lot of good questions. Showing his Majesty our wave power system was a great honour
Jan Melsom, Waves4Power’s Norwegian representative
Having Borealis as a partner will help us to achieve our goal of having light and corrosion resistant buoys with increased energy efficiency, to achieve overall better sustainability footprint. It will also help to make these systems more affordable
Ulf Lindelöf, Waves4Power Chief Executive
Borealis wants to help Waves4Power overcome the limitations of their current technology with our time-tried Borstar® PE solutions. We believe these materials will play an essential role in taking the next steps in harnessing marine power
Gisela Lehner, Borealis Senior Application Marketing Manager
Partnering up with Waves4Power ties into our Sustainability strategy, where one of the 3 focus areas is Energy & Climate. Here we have set our focus on developing innovations that contribute to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal of addressing the Energy Challenge
Gisela Lehner, Borealis Senior Application Marketing Manager
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