Welcome to the Green Gaming Forum
The world of online gaming is at constant change, we are all trying to figure out the next big thing. Learning what makes the customer tick means getting to know them better and understanding how to best communicate with them.
Building smart new digital tools seems to be the way forward, but what happens when you know everything there is to know about the player?
In the Green Gaming Forum we will exchange ideas of how modern technology is best used to deliver an optimal user experience in a safe environment. We welcome you to take part in this discussion and be part of shaping the future of Green Gaming.
At every event a new group of specially invited guests is introduced, bringing unique experiences and inspiration to the Green Gaming Forum.
The first Green Gaming Forum takes place on Monday 22 January at 03.00pm CET.
Guest panelists;
Melissa Cressey, Vice President Global Strategies at DSPolitical
Jakob Jonsson, Psychologist, Sustainable Interaction
Jesper Kärrbrink, CEO Mr Green Ltd
Moderator: Alexander Crawford
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