"Red Bleeding" by Swedish Pop Artist SYLVE Named Official West Pride (Gothenburg Pride) Song for 2024

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SYLVE and his song "Red Bleeding" have been chosen as the winner of the competition to become the official West Pride song for 2024. SYLVE will perform "Red Bleeding" multiple times in Pride Park at Kungstorget in Gothenburg, Sweden, on June 13-15, where thousands are expected to gather to celebrate diversity and love.

The Swedish pride audience, especially West Pride, has been a huge part of my journey as an artist. To stand on the West Pride stage as an ambassador with this year's pride song makes me both moved and overjoyed. I reclaim Gothenburg, which I often found quite lonely and cold when I was younger. There is now a strong community and engagement here. Thank you to the jury for entrusting me and and my song with this honor, says SYLVE.

The jury, consisting of Karin Gunnarsson, competition producer for Swedish Television Melodifestivalen, Ronny Larsson, editor-in-chief of QX magazine, the prominent artist and songwriter Melanie Wehbe, and Anders Olsson, producer of West Pride's stage program, unanimously agreed that SYLVE's "Red Bleeding" best represents the love, pride, and energy that should permeate West Pride 2024.

— “Red Bleeding” by SYLVE feels like the perfect choice. He is an exciting artist and a fantastic person who will deliver this year's West Pride song with genuine emotion and passion, says Karin Gunnarsson, competition producer for Swedish Television Melodifestivalen.

Anders Olsson, producer of West Pride's stage program;
— We are incredibly pleased that we could unanimously choose SYLVE with the song “Red Bleeding” as the official West Pride song for 2024. The song and its message of inclusion and love will be the soundtrack to our Pride celebration and hopefully inspire and unite LGBTQI+ people from all walks of life.

SYLVE on the message of the song and how it came about;
— I’m a guy with double occupations now. On the last day of May, I will become a licensed nurse, and if there's anything this fantastic education and profession has taught me so far, it's that despite all our differences, we have more that unites us than separates us. In life's most important or challenging moments, we are truly very similar in many ways, extremely human regardless of our background, circumstances, personalities, or sexual orientation for that matter. It is partially from these insights that I wrote the song. Not to diminish the challenges we face in the world right now, because they are very real indeed. But I want to highlight our common humanity and encourage more interpersonal meetings across communities.

Background on SYLVE
SYLVE, originally from Lerum outside Gothenburg, Sweden, debuted as an artist in 2019 after writing songs for both Swedish and international artists. Since then, he has toured extensively in Sweden, especially on its pride stages. He went viral on Spotify with the song "Sommartid (Ett annat vi)" which openly described the grief after a breakup with a boyfriend. Since then, he has been signed to a record label, released an EP, and performed on both radio and TV, including at the Guldbaggegalan and Lotta på Liseberg. SYLVE has collaborated with Kristin Amparo, Lovad, and Julia Alfrida, with whom he released the pride-themed single "Legacy." This year, a second EP is expected. The first release this year was the powerful ballad "Love You First," released on May 10th. Next up is the official pride song "Red Bleeding," released today, May 28th.

Listen to "Red Bleeding" on Spotify

Written & Produced of: Marcus SYLVE Holmberg & Christoffer Johansson

Cover Art and Press Photos: Photographer Magnus Ragnvid

For press inquiries regarding SYLVE, contact Marcus Årskog, marcus@yearwoodpr.com, +46 70-758 57 78

For more information about West Pride and this year's event, visit www.westpride.se






The Swedish pride audience, especially West Pride, has been a huge part of my journey as an artist. To stand on the West Pride stage as an ambassador with this year's pride song makes me both moved and overjoyed. I reclaim Gothenburg, which I often found scary and cold when I was younger. There is now a strong community and engagement here. Thank you to the jury for the trust in me and my song.
The Swedish Pop Artist SYLVE