Electronic voting saves millions

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The electronic voting system that Advania has developed in co-operation with the Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASÍ) has saved millions of Icelandic króna and significantly increased democracy within the Confederation.

"The electronic system dispenses with the expense of sending letters containing ballots by mail and the cost of envelopes which were previously sent to members. All work relating to the voting itself has become cheaper and simpler. It is no secret that this electronic voting system has saved the Confederation tens of millions of Icelandic króna. It has been developed to fulfil the most stringent personal data protection requirements. We are extremely happy with its performance," says Magnús M. Norðdahl, Senior Attorney for ASÍ.

Other associations have used the voting system, originally developed in co-operation with ASÍ, such as trade unions, the National Church, pension funds and the Consumers’ Association of Iceland. In the most numerous elections to date, there were 80 thousand people on the electoral register.

Electronic voting strengthens democracy, as a greater number are able to cast their vote than are able to reach polling stations. "When voting arrangements become so simple, a greater number of issues can be voted on and a wider range of issues can be laid before those on the electoral register. Residency is no longer a hindrance in electronic voting, and votes can be cast over a longer period than polling stations can generally remain open. The voting system increases security in voting, as the votes are encrypted, and counting is more accurate and takes less time," says Sigurður Másson, Department Manager of Advania Software Solutions.

For more information:
Ægir Már Þórisson
CEO of Advania Iceland
Tel: +354 864 98 41
Email: aegir.thorisson@advania.is

About Advania
Advania is a Nordic IT corporation, operating in 22 locations in Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark. The company focuses on helping customers to improve their performance with innovative use of best available IT platforms and services.  Advania serves thousands of corporate customers, multinational enterprises, governments and public institutions, big, small and medium-sized companies in all aspects of society. 
Advania traces its roots to 1939 when an Icelandic entrepreneur founded an office equipment repair workshop in Reykjavik. In the following decades, three separate branches of IT-companies evolved in three Nordic countries, Iceland, Sweden, and Norway. In 2012 they were braided into one and Advania was formed. For further information, please visit www.advania.com.


