
The program faculty represent a broad and deep cross section from the Government and the relators’ and defense bars. Together they will address the most significant issues affecting False Claims Act and whistleblower practice today both theoretically and practically. This is the “go to” program.”
Neil Getnick
With so many estate plans of wealthy clients incorporating charitable provisions, an in-depth knowledge of charitable planning techniques is an essential tool for today’s estate planner
Lawrence P. Katzenstein
“Our small and carefully chosen faculty is committed to not only imparting a wealth of information, but doing so in a way that is understandable and at times even enjoyable. You are encouraged to bring those questions you thought too insignificant or obvious to ask as well as those burning real life client scenarios for which you just cannot find a solution.”
Pamela D. Perdue, of Summers Compton Wells PC, in St. Louis, Missouri
“We will discuss the state’s updated AB32 scoping plan; the development of California’s cap-and-trade program and allowance market, including its new linkage with Quebec; the ongoing development of other regulatory mechanisms, including the recently-upheld Low Carbon Fuel Standard; and paths forward to a post-2020 climate regime” –
Co-Planning Chair Cara Horowitz
“The greater the number of assets (in particular non-liquid assets) a client owns, the more complex the estate plan may need to be. For the first time in years, there is tension between gift and estate tax, and income tax in large part because of the narrowing of the rate differential between income taxes and transfer taxes basis needs to be addressed in many instances.”
Malcolm A. Moore, of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
“Participants will enjoy many opportunities to engage informally with faculty and other attendees during networking lunches, a lighthearted ‘speed networking’ break, and two evening receptions at the Barnes Foundation and the Franklin Institute,”
Planning committee member Farleigh Earhart, Associate General Counsel of Smithsonian Institute, in Washington, DC.
“Year after year, I look forward to my involvement with this course
Mary Ann Mancini of Loeb & Loeb LLP
“The course is designed to bring you up to the minute on the latest developments and techniques in this ever-changing area of law,”
Peter Panken, a partner with Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
“No other course brings together the varied disciplines of environmental law as does this program,”
Pamela R. Esterman and Daniel Riesel from Sive Paget & Riesel, P.C.