CHR Bygga Bostäder Holding AB (publ) has entered into a term sheet for a contemplated restructuring of the outstanding bonds and a company reorganisation of the CHR Bygga Bostäder Entreprenad AB
2019-07-22 13:10 CHR Bygga Bostäder Holding AB (publ) (the “Company”) has entered into a term sheet (the “Term Sheet”) for a contemplated restructuring of the outstanding bonds in the Company’s Senior Secured Floating Rate Bonds with ISIN SE0010023770 (the “Bonds”) and a company reorganisation of the Company's subsidiary CHR Bygga Bostäder Entreprenad AB (“Entreprenad”) with a view to restore the equity in the Company and Entreprenad and avoid a situation where Entreprenad must be declared bankrupt due to insolvency. The Term Sheet is entered into with shareholders representing ca. 63 per