i-on-Women Study Reveals Marketers Miss the Mark Communicating with Women

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91 percent of women feel like marketers are not marketing effectively to HER

A recent study by Insights in Marketing, LLC's i-on-Women team reveals that marketers are failing to connect with female consumers. The survey of 1,300 women found that 91 percent of women do not feel as though marketers are marketing effectively to them. Considering that women control more than 80 percent of purchases across a range of categories, marketers are missing a valuable opportunity.

“10 years ago, a study much like this was conducted to determine whether advertisers were reaching women, and the answer was a resounding, ‘No,’” says Tinesha Craig, Division Director of i-on-Women. “In the past decade, nothing has changed, according to our study. We’re not reaching women any more now than we were then.  We are doing the same things over and over and expecting women to respond.  i-on-Women is here to help change that.”

Launched in the fall, Insights in Marketing’s i-on-Women team is revolutionizing how marketers connect and win with women. This unique team of social scientists and marketing research experts leverages rich proprietary insights and innovative techniques to assist clients in effectively engaging and persuading women. The team’s expertise is guided by nearly 25 years of experience speaking with women about some of the nation’s most prized brands. This study is the first of the team’s research to be published, and its results underscore the need for i-on-Women’s approach of understanding what drives and motivates women.

The i-on-Women study, which included U.S. women from a variety of age groups, incomes, ethnicities and geographic locations, also found that:

  • Women are more likely to say that companies market more effectively to men than to women.
  • Women are more likely to say that companies market to other women rather than to themselves.
  • Even moms, a key target for many companies, do not feel that companies effectively market products to them.
  • Baby Boomer women, who, along with Baby Boomer men, have $1 trillion in spending power, feel disconnected from marketing messages.
  • Millennials were most likely to connect with today’s marketing messages, but their spending power is less than older generations.
  • Ethnicity does not appear to have a noticeable impact on perception of marketing effectiveness. English-speaking Hispanic and African American women felt similarly disconnected from marketing messages. 

To learn more about i-on-Women and this study, please visit their webpage.

Lauren Russ at 773.972.7060 or lauren@connectcomsinc.com

About i-on-Women:

i-on-Women is a division of Insights in Marketing, LLC, a full-service marketing research consultancy that is changing the way marketers connect and win with women. To learn more about i-on-Women, please visit their webpage. To learn more about Insights in Marketing, LLC visit its WebsiteBlogLinkedIn , Facebook page and Twitter feed. 
