Diaverum acquires new clinics in Germany and Eastern Europe

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Diaverum, former Gambro Healthcare, has acquired seven dialysis clinics in Germany and Turkey. The acquisitions are in line with the company’s explicit strategy to expand its operations in a number of selected markets with good growth potential. In addition, Diaverum has established a joint venture in Romania, together with a well-known local partner, Renamed Farma. The purpose is to obtain a market leader position in Romania during 2009 by means of acquisitions.

Diaverum has 15 years of experience in dialysis treatment and is one of the world’s leading providers of kidney health care. In Europe Diaverum is the second largest dialysis provider. The company runs 178 clinics in 15 countries and the goal is to double the number of patients under treatment by 2011, from 13,000 in 2007 to 26,000 by 2011, and turnover from 3 billion SEK to 6 billion SEK.

Dag Andersson, Chief Executive Officer, Diaverum:

“We are very satisfied having been able to acquire these new clinics in our high-priority growth markets Germany, and Turkey, and with our entry into the Romanian market. Our intention is to further increase our activities in these markets during 2009. At the same time our ambition is to further establish operations in a number of markets where we are still not present.”
“It is also part of our growth strategy to continue to strengthen our presence in countries where we already have strong footholds, both through acquisitions of clinics and through organic growth.”
During December 2008 Diaverum completed the acquisitions of two clinics in Germany and five in Turkey, thereby increasing the number of patients by 700. In order to facilitate further expansion in the growth markets of Germany and eastern Europe, Diaverum has opened an office in Munich, Germany which serves as the base for a large part of the company’s management, including CEO Dag Andersson.
“Diaverum is an international company with headquarters in Lund, Sweden. Through the office in Munich we will be able to work more efficiently in strengthening our presence in a number of markets where we intend to grow. ”

For further information please contact

Dag Andersson, Chief Executive Office, Diaverum
Tel: +49 (0) 89 452 444 111
E-mail: dag.andersson@diaverum.com

Christina Waller Sterner, Senior Vice President Communications/Chief Communication Officer, Diaverum
Tel: +46 767 66 90 67
E-mail: christina.sterner@diaverum.com

About Diaverum

Diaverum™ is a world leading provider of renal health care. The company has operations in 15 countries and provides treatment to around 15,000 patients. Diaverum differs from other providers through personalised, state-of the-art services and support to patients in need of renal health care. For more information please visit our corporate website: www.diaverum.com.

Historical background

Diaverum has its roots in Gambro, which was founded in Lund, Sweden, in 1964 with the aim of developing and marketing the “artificial kidney”. The company’s first dialysis machine was launched in 1967.

In 1991 Gambro opened its first dialysis clinic in Lund, Sweden.
Over the years, dialysis operations expanded within Gambro under the name Gambro Health Care, and by 2005 the company managed 150 clinics worldwide, after the US operations were divested.

In 2006 Gambro was de-listed from the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

In 2007, Gambro Health Care was divested from Gambro. Buyer was the UK based company Bridgepoint, one of the largest private healthcare investors in Europe.

In 2008 the company adopted the name Diaverum.

October, 2008 Diaverum set up a corporate office in Munich, in order to get closer to a number of important markets on the European continent.



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