YouGov and Edgeware research highlights clear demand for tailored TV content

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The vast majority (89%) of consumers would be interested in watching TV content aimed at their personal interests

NAB Show 2019, Las Vegas – April 4, 2019 – New online research from Edgeware and YouGov, an international data and analytics group with access to an online panel of five million people worldwide, has found that a high proportion of consumers would welcome TV content that is tailored to their personal preferences. According to the study, 89% of adults across the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Mexico and Spain would be interested in content that is aimed at their personal interests when watching traditional TV channels.

The YouGov and Edgeware online research – which surveyed more than 6,500 adults across 5 countries – also found that 68% would be interested in content aimed at their local area, while content aimed at their age group would appeal to 64% of people. Furthermore, 68% said they would be more likely to watch a traditional TV channel if programming was more tailored to them.

These figures clearly highlight a demand for TV channels that can be adapted to enhance the viewing experience by fitting to the preferences of different audiences, whether that be related to age demographics, fans of different sports teams or regional programming such as news and weather.

Additional research findings

  • Mexico (96%) had the highest proportion of respondents that said they would be interested in content aimed at their personal interests when watching traditional TV channels.
  • This was followed by the UK and Hong Kong (both 88%), Spain (87%) and the USA (85%).
  • A quarter (25%) of people across all regions surveyed would be ‘much more likely’ to watch a traditional TV channel if programming was more tailored to them.
  • Just over two-thirds (67%) of respondents globally would be more engaged with TV adverts that were aimed at their interests.
  • The likelihood of engagement with personalised TV adverts geared towards someone’s personal interests and age group is higher among younger demographics.

With online streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime continuing to attract more and more viewers, traditional TV broadcasters are facing a serious challenge when it comes to retaining audiences. This is illustrated by the fact that just over half (51%) of adults surveyed said they would prefer to watch content they have selected through on-demand services, with just 38% preferring content on traditional TV channels with scheduled programming.

“It’s no secret that TV broadcasters are facing increasing competitive pressures from digital platforms that are geared around personalised programming, which means they have to think about different ways of engaging viewers,” said Johan Bolin, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Edgeware. “The ability to create tailored content would provide the ‘lean-back’ TV experience that many viewers still crave, making them more likely to tune in and helping broadcasters adapt to a changing industry.”

Edgeware’s new Virtual Channel Creation solution equips broadcasters with the tools to create alternative OTT versions of linear channels that are adapted to specific audiences, enabling them to enhance the viewing experience and increase the value of their existing live content.

The solution, which is based on “channel stitching” technology, will be on show for the first time on the Edgeware and Cavena booth (SU8624) at the 2019 NAB Show in Las Vegas between April 8-11.

About the research

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. The total sample size was 6,555 adults; 1,310 US adults, 1,011 Spanish adults, 1,060 Mexican adults, 1,000 Hong Kong adults and 2,174 UK adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th February and 15th March 2019. The survey was carried out online.

About Edgeware

Edgeware supplies operators and content providers with systems to deliver modern TV services over the Internet at a huge scale. Edgeware’s unique technology provides an outstanding viewing experience that allows its customers to retain control of their content. Edgeware has more than 200 customers and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with staff across Europe, Asia and the Americas.

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Edgeware media contact:

Richard Brandon, Chief Marketing Officer 


Quick facts

New online research from Edgeware and YouGov has found that a high proportion of consumers would welcome TV content that is tailored to their personal preferences. According to the study, 89% of adults across the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Mexico and Spain would be interested in content that is aimed at their personal interests when watching traditional TV channels.
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It’s no secret that TV broadcasters are facing increasing competitive pressures from digital platforms that are geared around personalised programming, which means they have to think about different ways of engaging viewers,” said Johan Bolin, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Edgeware. “The ability to create tailored content would provide the ‘lean-back’ TV experience that many viewers still crave, making them more likely to tune in and helping broadcasters adapt to a changing industry.
Johan Bolin, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Edgeware