Fastighets AB Balder Year-end report 2014

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  • Profit from property management before tax amounted to SEK 1,275m (854) corresponding to SEK 6.64 per ordinary share (4.57)
  • Rental income amounted to SEK 2,525m (1,884)
  • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 3,128m (1,738), corresponding to SEK 18.10 per ordinary share (10.11)
  • Shareholders´equity amounted to SEK 70.10 per ordinary share (52.14) and the net asset value amounted to SEK 86.33 per ordinary share (60.50)
  • The board proposes that no dividend shall be declared for ordinary shares (-) and that a dividend of SEK 20 per share (20) shall be paid for preference shares

Profit from property management increased by 49 per cent and amounted to SEK 1,275m (854), which corresponds to SEK 6.64 per ordinary share (4.57). Profit from property management includes SEK 195m (157) in respect of associated companies. Net profit after tax amounted to SEK 3,128m (1,738) corresponding to SEK 18.10 per ordinary share (10.11). Profit before tax was affected by changes in value in respect of properties of SEK 3,050m (854), changes in value of interest rate derivatives of SEK -624m (433) and profit from participations in associated companies of SEK 317m (204).

Annual report 2014 week 15, 2015
Annual General Meeting 6 May 2015
Interim report January-March 2015 6 May 2015
Interim report January-June 2015  
21 August 2015
Interim report January-September 2015      
4 November 2015
Year-end report 2015 18 February 2016

For further information, please contact:
CEO Erik Selin, tel. +46 706 074 790 or
Director of Economy Magnus Björndahl, +46 735 58 29 29

Enclosure:     Year-end report 2014

Balder discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released for publication on 18 February 2015 at 14.00 CET.

Fastighets AB Balder is a listed real estate company which shall meet the needs of different customer groups for premises and housing based on local support. Balder's real estate portfolio had a value of SEK 37.4 billion (27.5) as of 31 December 2014. The Balder share is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Large Cap.

Fastighets AB Balder (publ)
PO Box 53121, 400 15 Gothenburg
Tel: +46 31 10 95 70
Corporate Identity No. 556525-6905, Registered office Gothenburg



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