​49 brilliant tips to boost your content marketing ROI

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Today, nearly all brands are doing content marketing. As we're approaching 2020, it's natural to review your company's marketing strategy for next year. Will you change something or continue like before? Here's a list of 49 simple tips that you can't miss if you want to get some real value from your content marketing efforts.

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49 tips to increase your content marketing ROI

1. Post video content in social media rather than written content.

2. Quality over quantity: It’s better to post less often and do it well than the other way around.

3. Re-use images from your customers to save time and resources.

4. When writing blog posts, focus on narrow topics. Specific content works better than generic.

5. Publish long-form content. Short articles often lack depth.

6. Think distribution channel first, and content last. Each piece of content must be tailored for its distribution channel. 

7. Tell the story through the image rather than through text. Images play a crucial part in attracting readers.

8. Offer something for free. It can be valuable insights or even a free tool. It will give you long-term value and returning readers.

9. Optimize your headlines before you optimize your body copy. More people read the headline than the actual article, so focus on optimizing the headline first and foremost.

10. Update old content instead of starting afresh each time. That will save you time, and time is money.

11. Hire a former journalist to write your articles.

12. Aim for a perfect mix of evergreen and trending content. If you’re tight on resources, focus on producing mostly evergreen content.

13. Invite external people outside of your company to write guest posts.

14. Re-make content. You can turn a blog post into a video. A series of blog posts can become a whitepaper.

15. Don’t be on every social media channel. Pick one or a few and do it well. 

16. Conduct a survey or poll. The results you get can give you a lot of material for future blog posts.

17. Delegate. As a blog or content manager, you don’t have to everything yourself. Make use of the knowledge that already exists inhouse. Invite your co-workers to guest blog.

18. Ask your followers, readers and customers what topics they are interested in. Sometimes it can be as simple as that.

19. Collaborate with another company in your industry. You don’t need to be official partners, just launching a marketing campaign together in a joint effort can take you far.

20. Let an influencer lead the way and inspire your customers to create more UGC.

21. Use customer generated photos from social media instead of stock photos or product photos – it will lower your production costs. But make sure you ask for their permission first.

22. Stop selling. Not literally, but when it comes to content marketing, you don’t want to sound like a typical sales person or marketer. You want to provide real value.

23. Offer something for free when someone signs up to your newsletter.

24. Launch a hashtag contest and use the submissions in future content. Just make sure you have the right to use their material.

25. Use UGC in your social media ads. UGC often leads to a higher click-through rate than brand photos.

26. Host webinars. You can create a lot of content around the webinar, both before and after.

27. Let your colleagues take over your social channels for a day. Create a schedule and give your followers and customers a sneak peek into what a day at your office is like.

28. Write response posts. If someone in your industry writes something about a certain topic that is a bit controversial or that raises a lot of opinions, take the opportunity and give your opinion on the topic.

29. It’s more trustworthy and authentic if someone else, outside of your company, says all the good things about your industry, product or services. Find people who can act as experts, or let your customers be your voice.

30. Take advantage of live video. Live video has grown tremendously popular in the last 2-3 years, and there are many reasons why. One heavy plus is that the organic reach and engagement tend to be higher during live streams than is the case with regular videos.

31. Create an omnichannel experience. Omnichannel marketing is different from both multichannel marketing and cross-channel marketing. Whereas multichannel marketing is about marketing across different channels but with different messaging, omnichannel marketing ensures that the brand messaging is consistent and aligned across all channels.

32. Be patient! Research shows that it might take 6 months or more for brands to see results of their content marketing efforts.

33. Create video templates to make video production faster.

34. Ask your employees why they like working at your company, you can interview them or do it as a poll or survey. You can use their answers as quotes which can be used for employer marketing purposes.

35. Make your customers want to produce content for you, not only will it seem more authentic, but you’ll also save both time and money. For your customers to really want to blog or post photos about your company or products, you need to ask yourself “What’s in it for them?”

36. If you’ve got nothing to say, don’t say anything at all. Never create content just for the sake of it.

38. Do Q&As as live streams on your Facebook page or as Instagram Stories.

39. Be bold! Do predictions of what’s coming next in your industry. With so much content out there, you need to be brave and bold to stand out.

40. Make an e-book out of your blog posts in a certain topic. If you’ve already got a lot of content in a topic, why not re-use the material and re-package it as a whitepaper or e-book that can generate leads?

41. Automate your newsletter. Instead of pushing out the same message to all of your subscribers, created automated flows that ensures that your subscribers get emails that fit his or her personal preferences.

42. If your colleagues don’t have time to write a guest blog post, interview them instead. Answer questions is less time-consuming than writing something yourself.

43. Write as if you’re talking to a friend. When your tone of voice is more direct and personal, chances are higher that your articles will resonate with and capture your readers.

45. Do your keyword research. Find target keywords first, before you start producing actual content.

46. Back up your content with real facts and data. For people to value and share your articles, you need to write more than just opinions. Give proper credits to your sources, even if they’re your competitors.

47. Create a viral loop. There are several ways to do this, and we’re not going to get into deeper details in this articles, as it’s a topic of its own. But viral loops have proved to be successful for a lot of brands out there in a variety of industries.

48. Make it easy to share your content. Add social media share buttons in several places.

49. Get on Pinterest. There’s a lot of hidden potential in Pinterest. Keep in mind that Pinterest and Instagram are two completely different platforms and serve different purposes. 

For more information, contact:

Helena Nordh Myhrman, Head of Content, Flowbox
070-4402523, helena.myhrman@getflowbox.com
