UltraVent for FRIMA VarioCooking Center eliminates unwanted cooking fumes and steam
Helping chefs let off steam
Excess steam and cooking fumes can be a problem in busy commercial kitchens. FRIMA has a solution to make the kitchen a more pleasant environment without the need for additional and expensive ventilation systems. FRIMA’s UltraVent® condensation hood can be easily fitted to the new VarioCooking Center® Multificiency® to eliminate unwanted cooking fumes and draw off excess steam.
The VarioCooking Center Multificiency is a versatile cooking system combining all the functions of a fryer, griddle, bratt pan, kettle, titling pan and pressure cooker in one unit. Now FRIMA’s UltraVent condensation hood makes the cooking processes even more straightforward and the new Multificiency even more user-friendly.
The UltraVent hood uses innovative condensation technology to absorb and draw off steam and vapour as the food cooks. The vapour and steam are then collected, condensed and drained away, greatly improving the kitchen environment.
The new high tech, multi-purpose VarioCooking Center Multificiency is three times as fast as conventional cooking appliances and uses 40% less energy. The new Multificiency VarioCooking Control touch pad gives chefs more choices and more control over the cooking processes. Built-in intelligent cooking technology eliminates the need for constant monitoring as it alerts the chef when, for example, a steak needs turning or liquid needs adding to a stew.
FRIMA is currently expanding its distributor network in the UK. For information and brochures, or to come to a free Cooking Live demonstration, call FRIMA UK on 0845 680 3981, email info@frima-uk.co.uk or visit www.frima-uk.co.uk
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FRIMA UltraVent – Jun-12
Press Enquiries:
Toni Turner or Alison Haynes at The Publicity Works
Tel: 01263 761000 Email: frima@publicityworks.biz
For more news about FRIMA visit the press office at www.publicityworks.biz
Vic Brown, FRIMA UK: 0845 680 3981
Benoît Gourgues, FRIMA International: +41 71 727 90 14
More information on FRIMA International from www.frima-uk.co.uk
VarioCooking Center is a registered trademark of FRIMA International
Seps charges: currently there is no budget for separation charges.