NOMOS Glashütte Club Sport neomatik polar dial

Photographer: NOMOS Glashütte

Lussuosa finitura a raggi di sole NOMOS: Club Sport neomatik, qui mostrato nella versione blu polar, è gradevolmente sorprendente con il suo quadrante radioso. In più, i numeri luminescenti sono facili da leggere anche di notte e sott'acqua. Grazie agli indici delle ore incassati (che contengono più materiale luminescente), i nuovi orologi NOMOS restano brillanti molto a lungo.

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About Us

NOMOS Glashütte is one of the few owner-operated watch manufactories in the world, and creates its mechanical timepieces in Glashütte, Germany. Watch models such as the Tangente, Ludwig, Orion, Club or Metro are world-famous – just like the place where they are made. Glashütte is a legally protected designation of origin. Only manufacturers who work according to strict rules in the 175-year-old tradition of the watchmaking town are permitted to use this denomination for their wristwatches. NOMOS Glashütte is the manufacturer that produces the most mechanical watches in Glashütte.
