“We’re providing a resource for both high-level marketers and curious consumers to help them better understand the trends shaping their media experiences.”
“It is essential to look at the acceleration of digital viewership and shifting demographics of video, but those that claim traditional TV is obsolete are simply wrong.
He is known for his strong relationships within the advertising community, and to be a firm but fair negotiator.
Digital has always been held to very high standards in regards to measurement and analytics. However, as all communication channels continue to evolve, other media formats are going to need to adopt some of the same stringent analysis methods,
What’s incredible is we’re seeing media that used to be highly segmented now depending upon one another for survival.
I can attest that as a media company, KSM has built something truly unique here. By nature, digital and traditional are tricky to integrate and I applaud them for bringing their organization into the next horizon,