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  • Together with our customers, we managed to compensate for 600 thousand kilograms of CO2 emissions in 2022

Together with our customers, we managed to compensate for 600 thousand kilograms of CO2 emissions in 2022

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In 2022 our customers answered 2543 customer surveys. This year the International 4H Youth Organisation’s Seedling Action planting programme will plant the equal amount of trees. Every tree planted sequesters carbon and thus contributes to mitigating climate change. 2543 trees compensate around 600 tons of CO2 emissions and offers work for 25 young people.

Kiilto promised to plant a tree for every customer feedback in 2022. The aim of the campaign was to combine the development of customer-oriented processes with environmental work that cuts across Kiilto's entire operating culture.

“Thank you! That is the most important message we want to say to our customers. Of course, the development of operations is positively reflected directly in our customers' everyday lives, but it is only fair to give our most important stakeholder group the opportunity to participate in the sustainability and environmental work more widely. More sustainable operating models are a lifeline for all of us. It was great that that our customers wanted actively take part in the campaign”, says Kiilto´s Business Area Director, Construction Miikka Haapa-aho.

"We wish to do even more in 2023, especially when it comes to learning more about the customers' experience. This means sending more questions with the hope of more answers that not only improve our relationships, but also plant more trees," Miikka adds. 

Business Area Director, Professional Hygiene Henrik Skibrek is also pleased about the insights and ideas for the further development of Kiilto operations. 

“Customer-oriented operations require active interaction. We hoped to get feedback especially after collaboration experiences such as product test runs, trainings or meetings with Kiilto’s customer contact people. We got a lot of new ideas”, Henrik sums.

Helping to employ young people

Kiilto's cooperation with the Taimiteko programme started in 2019. In addition to the trees to be planted, Kiilto has compensated for emissions from traveling, for example.

Taimiteko – Seedling Action is the result of 4H’s pilot project, which aims to plant 10,000 hectares of new forest by 2030, the equivalent of about 20 million trees. Taimiteko also functions as an employment activity as it provides summer jobs in planting seedlings, specifically young people under the age of 18 who are still outside the labour market.

The aim of the planting programme is to employ young people and increase carbon sinks by planting trees in areas that have not been active in forestry or agriculture for decades.

The carbon dioxide compensation calculations of the Taimiteko are based on the calculations of experts from the Natural Resources Institute of Finland. In addition to the trees to be planted based on the answers to customer surveys, a total of about 8000 seedlings will be planted on a four-hectare area to compensate Kiilto´s emissions from travelling. In June 2022, 5306 seedlings, or just over 2 hectares, were planted for Kiilto in Tuuraneva, Virrat in Finland.

Read more about Taimiteko's purpose
