New opportunities in spring development with advanced calculation program

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Since early 2011, Swedish spring supplier Lesjöfors has access to a new FEM program for e.g. strength calculations. The investment provides opportunities for even more advanced technical support within the spring area.

The acronym FEM is a shortening of Finite Element Method which is a method that uses numerical mathematics to solve complex problems in physics such as strength, flow and heat conduction. The method can briefly be described with that the original problem is divided into small pieces, so-called finite elements. The problem is then solved relatively easy in a mathematical way for each individual piece, under certain given conditions and in accordance with a predetermined procedure. The results from the smaller pieces are in the end put together and give a result for the original problem.

Many fields of use
Lesjöfors uses the program to make strength calculations for springs with different geometry compared to standard springs or springs that are loaded in an unconventional way. In addition, it is also possible to do detailed analysis of spring components in order to optimize the product or to increase the understanding of it.

Complex spring calculations
Lesjöfors has invested in the program ANSYS ( It originates in the 70th century nuclear industry and is one of the top commercial FEM programs available on the market. The program can e.g. take into account many of the non-linearities which usually occur in spring calculations, such as large deformations and parts that come into contact with each other during the deformation process. It is also possible to calculate some dynamic phenomenon, to use non-linear materials and to make buckling analysis.

FEM strengthens the technical expertise
The investment in the new FEM program is part of Lesjöfors` ambitions to be a leading spring supplier of absolute top class, both in production and qualified technical support. There are now better opportunities than ever for a relatively rapid analysis of a spring, often in its natural environment, to achieve an optimal spring solution.
- The FEM program is a great asset for us and our customers, particularly concerning strip components where geometries often are very complex and therefore difficult to analyze. When it comes to springs made of wire, not only complex geometries are common, but also very unusual loading conditions. The program has already proved useful in several customer projects and the future opportunities are endless, says Mattias Hartvigsson, product specialist and responsible for the FEM program operations within Lejsöfors.

 More information
FEM calculations are mainly used in large project where qualified strength calculations are required. Do you want to know more about FEM, please contact Mattias Hartvigsson:

telephone: +46 513 220 21
mobile: +46 703 29 29 01



