Prestigious award to Lesjöfors company Velleuer

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The Siegenia Group in Germany has appointed the Lesjöfors company Velleuer “Supplier of the year”. A truly prestigious award based on a partnership with high-quality products and reliable supply.

Siegenia is a German manufacturer with worldwide presence who provides an innovative and wide-ranging product portfolio for modern window systems, door systems and comfort systems. Velleuer, one of Lesjöfors’ German spring companies, supplies Siegenia the whole range of products from stampings, compression springs and torsion springs to wire bending parts, in both low and high quantities.

Delivery and quality products in focus
Annually, Siegenia nominates suppliers who stand out for extraordinary performance. For 2019, Siegenia appointed Velleuer as Supplier of the year. Excellent delivery performance and quality products in an extremely busy and challenging year was their motivation. Due to the pandemic situation in 2020, Siegenia first postponed and then cancelled the official prize ceremony, but later sent a diploma to the Velleuer team. This was the second time Siegenia nominated Velleuer to the prestigious and highly appreciated award.

Long-term relationship
Based upon a decade-long, trustful relationship, both Siegenia and Velleuer look optimistic to the future cooperation in this demanding market segment. Frank Jahn, MD of Velleuer, comments on the trustful relationship:
“I personally have cooperated with Siegenia for 25 years and I very much appreciate the partnership when it comes to new product development. As Siegenia demands a high quality and safety level with its products on a highly competitive market, we always strive for efficiency both in the manufacturing process and in the preventive quality strategy. This match perfectly with the spirit of both our companies.”

Sofia Håkansson
Marketing and Communications Director
+46 54 13 77 56
Lesjöforskoncernen är en global aktör med marknadens bredaste sortiment av fjädrar samt stansade och pressade detaljer. Med en unik expertis inom högteknologiska, kundanpassade lösningar samt stor och flexibel tillverkningskapacitet är Lesjöfors sedan många år fjäderpartner till kunder i vitt skilda branscher. Lesjöfors består av ett trettiotal tillverkande och säljande bolag i ett flertal länder. Tack vare ett långsiktigt och målmedvetet arbete som innovativ problemlösare växer koncernen kontinuerligt med god lönsamhet, både organiskt och genom förvärv. Lesjöfors ägs Beijer Alma, noterat på Stockholmsbörsen.




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I personally have cooperated with Siegenia for 25 years and I very much appreciate the partnership when it comes to new product development. As Siegenia demands a high quality and safety level with its products on a highly competitive market, we always strive for efficiency both in the manufacturing process and in the preventive quality strategy. This match perfectly with the spirit of both our companies.
Frank Jahn, MD of Velleuer