Springs feature window displays of Liberty of London

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At the moment springs from European Springs & Pressings are featured in the window displays of the famous emporium Liberty of London. “Couture clothing, high end labels and one of the world’s finest shopping destinations is a move away from our existing customer base but one we were delighted to embrace”, says Michael Gibbs, MD of European Springs & Pressings in Cornwall.

The exclusive Liberty of London is situated on Regent Street right in the middle of central London shopping district. The department store is famous all over the world for its creative window displays. European Springs & Pressings, part of the Lesjöfors Group, has designed, produced and delivered 80 suspended springs for usage in these window displays.

“To see our springs incorporated into the globally recognised window displays of Liberty of London is extraordinary. They look stunning and we hope our new diversification into retail development leads to new opportunities and partnerships in the future”, says Michael Gibbs.

The suspended springs will feature in the Liberty of London windows until the end of the month.

Image: © Liberty of London




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