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  • E-commerce sales promotion for high quality tools: Hammer maker Picard hits nail on the head with loadbee:

E-commerce sales promotion for high quality tools: Hammer maker Picard hits nail on the head with loadbee:

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  • Interview with Daniel Gasperi, authorised signatory, sales and marketing manager at Picard, about the distribution of sales-promoting product content with loadbee
  • In e-commerce, product content takes over an advisory and sales promotion role
  • Tool manufacturer Picard and 300+ brands transfer their product content in their brand's design to the loadbee platform and tailor it according to their CI/CD. loadbee injects the brands' sales-promoting and laid out product content into the sales pages of more than 1,800 online retailers' online shops.
  • The additional product content provides customers with complete and relevant product information of the respective brand.

Stuttgart/Wuppertal, August 2020. When buying tools online, the comparison possibilities are endless - as is the variety of available goods. This is why Picard uses loadbee. Picard is one of the last remaining German manufacturers of high-quality striking tools that provide the user with a high degree of quality, which is due to their reliability and ergonomics. Picard and more than 300 further brands transfer their branded product content to the loadbee platform and choose a layout for it right there. The brands’ product content prepared in this specific design and layout gets injected directly into the sales pages of those dealers, who have integrated loadbee in their shops and sell these products.

Daniel Gasperi, Authorised Signatory, Sales & Marketing Manager at Picard: explains, why using loadbee is best practise in e-commerce: "It is important for us to point out our quality and the differences that you might not be able to see in a small shop image. In addition, most hammers are DIN-normed products, which hardly differ optically from this specification. Here we can create a huge benefit with additional product information via loadbee on the dealers' product pages. Thus, we reach the customers at the moment of the purchase decision with our content, which complements the dealers' information. This is a real added value for us as a brand manufacturer."

"With loadbee, the brands can present their products in a sales-promoting way and convince the customer when making a purchase decision," says Klaus Wartlik, Managing Director of loadbee.

loadbee injects branded product content directly into sales pages on the dealer side

Multimedia sales arguments achieve the greatest possible impact when they reach the customer at the moment of the purchase decision. This decision is made by Online customers while checking the products in the online shop - on the sales or product detail page. This is exactly where the brand product content gets placed with the help of loadbee - in the preferred layout and design of the brand. In this way, the brands convince at the moment of the purchase decision with relevant product information. They are visible as a brand and influence the (audio-)visual presentation of their products.

Interview with Daniel Gasperi, Authorised Signatory, Sales & Marketing Manager at Picard:

What role does e-commerce play for you and why do you approach it with loadbee?

Gasperi: E-commerce is an important channel to reach our users. It has become even more important due to the current pandemic situation. For us, loadbee is the chosen means of providing our sales partners with the very latest product information. The ease of use has enabled us as a smaller company to provide this information straight forward, and without special knowledge or skills, as well as ensuring the maintenance of the data ourselves.

What role does product content play in online commerce?

Gasperi: During the online purchasing process, the user wants to be informed in the same manner as in the stationary specialised trade. In brick-and-mortar shops we teach retailers how to sell our brand’s products. However, in e-commerce product content substitutes for the skilled sales staff. Good sales promoting product content has to be of top notch quality in terms of pictures, text and technical information. The emotion as a counterpart to the convincing sales specialist must not be neglected either. The visual language and the way we present ourselves should appear familiar to the customer and be up-to-date. The content must be able to convey the "look & feel" - just like the coordinated POS solutions in stationary retail - ideally even better.

What do you offer the customer with your product content?

Gasperi: Many users think they already know everything about "the hammer". We try to convey that not all hammers are hammers and that there are many technical details that make a PICARD Hammer what it is. We outline this in pictures from different perspectives, product videos and technical details. Here we are in the constant process of producing further content.

What do you pay attention to with your product content? How do you find out what customers want to know?

Gasperi: Our content is created in cooperation with our service providers, but also internally, as our team has a high level of expertise due to its specialization in the “hammer topic”. New content is created through direct contact with our users and their questions. We maintain this contact at consumer trade fairs in the classic offline manner, but also online via our social media channels.

Why is it important to address customers in e-commerce in a target group-oriented manner?

Gasperi: To ensure that the information gets through and is not filtered out as irrelevant. Today, everyone is overwhelmed with information that may not be relevant at all. At the same time, we miss information that we need at the moment of the purchase decision. Our product information is also on our website or in our catalogue, but when the customer wants to make a purchase decision - and we're talking about a hammer and not a car - he doesn't want to start another process of gathering information, he wants to find the information on the spot - and in the quality he expects from our product.

What benefit/added value does loadbee bring you?

Gasperi: loadbee helps us to make our information available to the user in the shop of our distribution partner in the quality and quantity defined by us, according to his needs.

Many thanks for the interview, Mr. Gasperi!


Image: Daniel Gasperi, Authorised Signatory, Sales & Marketing Manager at Picard. Copyright: Picard GmbH

With loadbee, more than 300 brand manufacturers reach over a million customers every day on the product detail pages of more than 1,800 online shops. In this way the brand manufacturers supplement the product information of the online retailers across all industries in more than 40 countries. Comparative tests have proven that loadbee usage generates 25 percent more sales. loadbee was founded in 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany.

Press contact:
Carmen Renz
Phone: +49 170 7068 633
e-mail: press@loadbee.com
loadbee GmbH
Karlsruher Straße 3
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen




Quick facts

In an interview, Daniel Gasperi, authorised signatory, sales and marketing manager at Picard, explains the role product content plays in e-commerce and why Picard distributes ready-to-use product content in brand design to its online retail partners via the loadbee platform.
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