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  • Cleantech Invest: Reminder about dates for the exercise of subscription warrants of Series TO 1A

Cleantech Invest: Reminder about dates for the exercise of subscription warrants of Series TO 1A

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The exercise period for Cleantech Invest subscription warrants Series TO 1A will continue until 30 November 2016. The last day of trading of subscription warrants series TO 1A is 28 of November 2016. The holders of the subscription warrants have the right to subscribe for 1 (one) new A share, for each two (2) subscription warrants of Cleantech Invest at a price of SEK 13 per share. Upon full exercise of all subscription warrants, the Company will receive approx. SEK 8,4 million before issuance expenses.

Subscription of shares through exercise of subscription warrants of Series TO 1A can take place until 30 November 2016 and shall be made via simultaneous cash payment not later than 15:00 CET. More information and instructions for exercising the subscription warrants is available via the following links:




Important dates for the subscription warrants:

Exercise period began: 1 November 2016.

The last day of trading of subscription warrants: 28 November 2016.

Exercise period ends: 30 November 2016.

Subscription and Payment: The subscription form accompanied by simultaneous cash payment must be submitted no later than 15:00 CET on 30 November 2016.

If you have any questions regarding the subscription warrants, please contact:

Pareto Securities AB
Issuer Service

Phone: + 46 8 402 51 40

Email: issueservice.se@paretosec.com

Contact information:

Alexander Lidgren, Managing Director of Cleantech Invest Plc. Tel. 46 73 660 1007, alexander.lidgren@cleantechinvest.com

Access Partners Oy, Certified Advisor. Tel. 358 9 682 9500

Cleantech Invest in brief

Cleantech Invest is a Nordic accelerator with investments in growth companies that solve global challenges. The portfolio companies are active in energy- and resource efficiency as well as decentralized renewable energy and are based in Finland, Sweden and Germany. The company management consists of company builders and investors who have been active within the cleantech space for over a decade.The company is listed on First North Finland under the ticker CLEAN and on First North Stockholm under the ticker CLEANT A.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cleantech-invest-oy

Twitter: @CleantechInves1

IG: @cleantechinvest

FB: www.facebook.com/cleantechinvest/

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