Mats Johansson and Jesper Göransson Deputy MD in Peab

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Mats Johansson, 56, and Jesper Göransson 34 years, have been appointed Deputy MD in Peab AB. Mats has many years’ experience of personnel and organisational issues as an independent consultant, and was employed as Director of Human Resources in Peab 2006. Jesper, who has now been appointed to Treasury Director, started his employment in Peab 1995 and he has since 1998 worked as Treasury Manager. Mats and Jesper will now be members of the Executive Management of Peab, which from now on consists of Mats Paulsson, Göte Brännvall, Mats Leifland, Mats O Paulsson, Anders Elfner, Jan Johansson, Mats Johansson and Jesper Göransson. As Peab has developed and expanded the passed years, the need of strengthening certain key areas has been more and more evident. Mats Johansson will now be responsible for HR with recruitment as a prioritized issue. Jesper Göransson is now appointed to Treasury Director and he is still responsible for Group accounting/Finance. Mats Leifland will continue as Financial Director with responsibility for investor relations and the investment activities of the Group, which has had an extensive increase during the last year, says Peab’s MD Mats Paulsson . For further information contact: Mats Paulsson, MD Peab +46 431 89 135 Gösta Sjöström, information manager Peab +46 733 37 10 10 Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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