Peab builds offices and hotels in Lulea

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Peab has been contracted to build the block Hunden in Lulea, containing offices, hotels, shops, homes and public areas. The client is Norrporten, and the total investment amounts to approximately SEK 500 million, of which Peab share is SEK 360 million.

The contract is a turnkey contract in partnering where work has begun and completion is expected by spring 2014th

-          The expansion in Norrbotten is accelerating and Peab is well positioned in the region. Norrporten has entrusted us to build in Luleå and that is very gratifying, says Peab President and CEO Jan Johansson.

For further information, please contact:

David Wimander, project manager +46 733 371388

Gösta Sjöström, Communication Peab +46 733 371010

Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

The information was submitted for publication at 10 a.m on20 April 2012.


Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with 15,000 employees and a net sale exceeding SEK 40 billion. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of Sweden.


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