Peab possesses 99.6 percent of the capital in Annehem Fastigheter

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• Peab possesses a total of 99.6 percent of the votes and capital in Annehem Fastigheter • Peab intends to shortly call for compulsory purchase Peab AB (publ) (“Peab”) has within the framework of the offer to the shareholders of Annehem Fastigheter AB (publ) (“Annehem Fastigheter”) received 99.6 percent of the capital and votes in Annehem Fastigheter. At the end of the extended registration period on 19 August 2009 a total of 11,468,785 shares had been tendered to the offer, which corresponds to 92.7 percent of the votes and capital in Annehem Fastigheter. Peab’s holding in Annehem Fastigheter is a total of 12,318,785 shares, which corresponds to 96.6 percent of the votes and capital. Peab has not purchased any shares in Annehem Fastigheter outside of the offer and therefore does not own any other shares in Annehem Fastigheter except those tendered to the offer and those owned at the time the offer was made public. As a result of the above Peab will, according to a previous announcement, shortly request compulsory purchase of the rest of the shares in Annehem Fastigheter. The Annehem Fastigheter share was taken off the NASDAQ OMX First North on 31 July 2009. For those who have accepted the offer under the extension reporting settlement will, as previously announced, take place around 1 September 2009. On 14 May 2009 Peab’s Annual General Meeting gave the Board authorisation to, for the period until the next Annual General Meeting, transfer, at the most, all own shares the company holds at any particular time. Based on this authorisation Peab’s Board has on 24 August 2009 decided to transfer 148,284 B shares to the shareholders in Annehem Fastigheter which have accepted the offer and as payment chosen to receive shares in Peab. According to the terms of the offer Peab will transfer 0.6946 Peab B shares for each share Peab acquires in Annehem Fastigheter. After the transfer Peab’s holding of own shares will amount to 4,906,220 B shares corresponding to 1.7 percent of the number of registered shares, which are in total 296,049,730. For more information please see the prospectus which was made public on 14 May 2009 and the supplementary prospectuses made public on 20 May 2009 and 9 June 2009 which are available electronically at, and These are only available in Swedish. For additional information, please contact: Jesper Göransson, CFO +46 733 371013 Gösta Sjöström, CIO +46 733 371010 Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 3.30 p.m. on 24 August 2009. Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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