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  • Peab possesses over 90 percent of the capital and votes in Peab Industri

Peab possesses over 90 percent of the capital and votes in Peab Industri

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• Peab now possesses 94.1 percent of the capital in Peab Industri
• The registration period is extended to 30 January 2009
• Peab intends to shortly call for compulsory purchase
Peab AB (publ) (“Peab”) has within the framework of the offer to the shareholders of Peab Industri AB (publ) (“Peab Industri”) received over 90 percent of the capital and votes in Peab Industri.

At the end of the extended registration period on 17 December 2008 a total of 9,805,702 Class A shares and
67,813,884 Class B shares had been tendered to the offer, which corresponds to 94.1 percent of the capital and 97.1 percent of the votes in Peab Industri. In addition, 96.4 percent of the convertibles had been tendered to the offer. Peab has not purchased any shares in Peab Industri outside of the offer and therefore does not own any other shares in Peab Industri except those tendered to the offer. As a result of the above Peab will shortly call for compulsory purchase of the rest of the shares in Peab Industri as well as move to unlist the Peab Industri share on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm.

The registration period has been extended to 30 January 2009 in order to make it possible for shareholders and convertible owners that have not yet done so to participate in the offer.

For those who accepted the offer during the latest extension of the registration period reporting settlement will take place around 30 December 2008. For those who accept the offer under the next extension, reporting settlement will take place around 12 February 2009.

For further information concerning the offer, please see Peab’s Offer Document from the 10th of November 2008 as well as the addendums to the Offer Document from the 20th and 25th of November 2008, all of which can be downloaded from www.peab.se and www.swedbank.se/prospekt.

For additional information, please contact:
Mats Leifland, CFO, Peab +46 733 371006
Gösta Sjöström, CIO, Peab + 46 733 371010

Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 9.30 a.m. on 19 December 2008.

Previous press releases from Peab are available at www.peab.com


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