Peab’s Annual General Meeting 2010

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• Dividend adopted at SEK 2.50 per share • Continued authorisation for the repurchase of shares Peab AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting today, Tuesday. The Annual General Meeting adopted a dividend of SEK 2.50 according to the proposal from the Board of Peab. The record date will be Monday the 17th of May 2010 and Euroclear Sweden AB will distribute the dividend on 20 May 2010. The Annual General Meeting granted the Board and the Chief Executive Officer discharge for the financial year of 2009. The Board members Annette Brodin Rampe, Karl-Axel Granlund, Göran Grosskopf, Fredrik Paulsson, Mats Paulsson, Svante Paulsson and Lars Sköld were re-elected. Göran Grosskopf was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Remuneration to the Chairman of SEK 400,000 (unchanged) and to each other Board Member not employed in the company SEK 150,000 (unchanged) was adopted. Remuneration to each member of the remuneration committee and finance committee not employed in the company of SEK 25,000 (unchanged) was adopted. The resulting total remuneration to Board Members of SEK 1,250,000 (unchanged) was adopted. Auditor’s fees shall continue to be those presented in an approved statement of accounts. The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Peab to, on one or more occasions, until the next Annual General Meeting, decide to issue B shares corresponding to a maximum of 10 percent of the registered share capital at the time of authorisation. New issues will be based on standard market terms. The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Peab to, on one or more occasions, until the next Annual General Meeting, buy back or transfer Peab shares. The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Peab to, until the next Annual General Meeting, - decide to, on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm or through an offer to buy directed to all shareholders to buy back at the most as many shares so that after the acquisition the company’s holding of own shares corresponds to 10 percent of the all shares in the company. The shares may be bought on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm at a price within the registered price interval on each occasion or, when acquired through an offer to buy for a cash compensation, at a price corresponding to the lowest market price at the time of the offer with a maximum deviation of 30 % upwards, - decide to, on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm or in connection with for example an acquisition, and with or without a deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights, divest a maximum of all own shares held by the company on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, at a price within the registered price interval on each occasion or, if divested in some other manner, at a price corresponding to the market price of the shares at the time of the transfer with any deviation the Board considers appropriate. If the use of the authorization for the acquisition and transfer of own shares combined with use of authorization for the issue, in order to let the company's shares constitute all or part of the purchase price at any one company, the number of shares to be sold and issued to the individual acquisition, together represent more than one-tenth of all shares in the company at the time of the decision authorizing the issue The purpose of this authorisation is to improve the company’s capital structure, to finance acquisitions with shares and such like and/or to make it possible through a later withdrawal to neutralise the dilution that can occur when convertibles issued by the Group are converted. Malte Åkerström, Leif Franzon and Göran Grosskopf and Erik Paulsson were re-elected to the nominating committee. Malte Åkerström was re-elected as the chairman of the nominating committee. The Annual General Meeting decided that the guidelines for remuneration of senior officers adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2009 shall continue to be applied. All decisions by the Annual General Meeting were made with the necessary majority of votes. For additional information, please contact: Jesper Göransson, CFO Peab +46 733 371013 Mats Leifland, IR Peab +46 733 371006 Gösta Sjöström, CIO, Peab +46 733 371010 Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 7.00 p.m. on 11 May 2009. Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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