Peab’s Year-end report January - December 2009

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● Net sales increased by 3 percent to SEK 35,140 million (34,132). Compared with pro forma including Peab Industri net sales fell by 12 percent ● Operating profit amounted to SEK 1,601 million (1,349). Operating profit pro forma including Peab Industri for the comparable year amounted to SEK 2,202 million ● Profit for the year amounted to SEK 1,321 million (1,093). Pro forma including Peab Industri, profit for the comparable year amounted to SEK 1,724 million ● Earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 4.59 (6.56). Pro forma including Peab Industri, earnings per share before dilution for the comparable year amounted to SEK 6.10 ● Order backlog for Construction and Civil Engineering increased to SEK 24,487 million (24,233) ● Strong cash flow in the fourth quarter ● The Board proposes an increase in dividends to SEK 2.50 (2.25) per share - We started 2009 in a haze of uncertainty and with the knowledge that it would be a tough year with a soft market in Nordic construction. Now that we are on the other side of 2009 we can notch up another good year for Peab. After a weak beginning the market has gradually stabilised as the year passed. Our civil engineering operations are a big part of this development and, as we anticipated, they have created a stable platform, says Peab’s MD and CEO Mats Paulsson. For additional information, please contact: Gösta Sjöström, CIO +46 733 371010 Mats Leifland, IR +46 733 371006 Jesper Göransson, CFO +46 733 371013 Jan Johansson, deputy MD +46 733 374000 Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 7.00 p.m. on 17 February 2010. Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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