Peab’s Year-end report 2004

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Net sales increased be 10 per cent to SEK 22 048 million (20 086) Profit for the year amounted to SEK 432 million (226) Profit per share amounted to SEK 5.10 (2.70) Orders received increased by 18 per cent to SEK 21 559 million (18 339) Improved cash flow before financing, which amounted to SEK 255 million (-379) Financial objectives have been adapted to Peab’s current structure Board proposes an increased dividend per share to SEK 2.50 (2.20) - 2004 was a good year for Peab’s business. We are seeing a further strengthening of our competitiveness and our local anchorage gives us a close collaboration with our customers. Our order situation give us a good stability for this year, says Peab’s MD Mats Paulsson. For further information contact: Mats Paulsson, MD Peab +46 431 89 135 Mats Leifland, CFO Peab +46 733 37 10 06 Gösta Sjöström, information manager Peab +46 73337 10 10 Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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