Peab’s Year-end report 2006 January – December 2006

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Net sales increased by 19 per cent to SEK 30 321 million (25 501)
Operating profit amounted to SEK 1 251 million (747)
Profit for the year amounted to SEK 1 048 million (855)
Profit per share before dilution amounted to SEK 12.37 (10.06)
Orders received amounted to SEK 28 711 million (24 227)
Order backlog amounted to SEK 20 642 million (17 722)
Board proposes an increased dividend per share to SEK 3.50 (3.00)
Board further proposes that a dividend will be paid in form of shares in Peab Industri, amounting to SEK 7.50 per share
Peab’s financial objectives and reporting structure will be revised during the spring 2007

- 2006 was a successful year for Peab. All of our activities felt the effects of the favourable economic conditions reigning within the Nordic building and construction market, which boosted orders received, sales and operating profit alike and we continue to grow strongly, says Peab’s MD Mats Paulsson.

For further information contact:
Mats Paulsson, MD Peab + 46 431 89 135
Mats Leifland, deputy MD Peab + 46 733 37 10 06
Gösta Sjöström, Information manager Peab + 46 733 37 10 10

Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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