Peab’s Year-End Report January-December 2011

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Operative net sales amounted to SEK 44,015 million (38,184)

Operative operating profit amounted to SEK 1,483 million (1,563)

Earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 3.26 (4.11)

Orders received during the year increased by 9 percent to SEK 37,986 million (34,764)

Order backlog in Construction and Civil Engineering has grown by 5 percent since beginning of 2011 to SEK 28,378 million

Continued investments for growth

The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.10 (2.60) per share, corresponding to 66 percent (63) of the profit for the year

   - “2011 ended on a positive note with continued significant growth and a strong result. Favorable production conditions in the fourth quarter allowed for a high level of production. It is difficult to assess the future of markets in 2012. While we continue to see a good range of new projects we are on our guard about the effects the debt crisis may have on construction and civil engineering in our markets”, says Peab’s CEO and President Jan Johansson.

For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Wahrolén, Head of Communications +46 733 371007

Jesper Göransson, CFO Peab +46 733 371013

Jan Johansson, CEO Peab + 46 431 89329

Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

The information was submitted for publication at 7.00 am on 15 February 2012.


Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with 15,000 employees and a net sale exceeding SEK 40 billion. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of Sweden.


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