Peab to repurchase shares

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Peab's Annual General Meeting decided May 11, 2010 to provide the Board with a authorization that, in the period until the next AGM, to acquire such maximum number of shares in Peab AB to the company after the acquisition, holding a maximum of one tenth of the total number of registered shares.

Peab's board has under this authorization, decided to acquire a maximum of

2.000.000 Peab B shares. The acquisitions will be done on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm at the current share price.

Peab's holding of own shares amounts to 9.308.220 B shares, equivalent to 3.1 percent of the total number of shares registered shares amounting to

296 049 730.

The purpose of the repurchase is in part to regulate the company’s capital structure, in part to finance acquisitions and such like or, according to the decision of the Annual General Meeting, to keep the number of shares unchanged if and when convertible debentures issued in December 2007 are converted.



For further information, please contact:

Jesper Göransson, CFO Peab +46 733 371013

Gösta Sjöström, CIO Peab +46 733 371010

Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

The information was submitted for publication at 8 a. m. on 11 May 2011.

Previous press releases from Peab are available at

Peab is one of the leading construction and civil engineering companies in the Nordic countries with approximately 14,000 employees and a net sale amounting to around SEK 38 billion. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of Sweden.


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